
MACCI Africa

Research | Behavioral Change | Policy​

Who is MACCI.Africa

We are experienced communicators. Our goal is to use various forms of communication tools and strategies to provide life saving information.

Climate Change is a present day challenge to humanity, therefore; adjusting to change of behavior and lifestyle requires delivery of unique set of information that can help people make the right decisions.

We work to simplify statistics and numbers into real human situation, we tell the real stories of impact of climate change on people; their health, economy and environment.

We design and implement communication campaign to promote climate change education in communities across Africa, where the impact is projected to be the highest in the world.

What We Do

Our Programme

Governance Communication

We initiate conversations around policies on climate change with government ministries and agencies. This is aimed at stimulating and sustaining action on necessary legislative and policy decisions on climate change.

Health Communication

Studies have shown the devastating impact of climate change on health and well-being is on the rise. The extreme heat wave and the harsh weather conditions across the world are popping up new health challenges and new diseases.

Environmental Communication

From heavy industrial wastes to poor air quality, the varied issues affecting human and non human habitat is increasing on a daily basis. Africa is lagging behind in pushing hard on implementing environmental regulations.

Economic Communication

Global economic loss to climate change has been put at 1.2trillion dollars. This amounts to 1.6% of annual global GDP.

Our Communication Tools


We deliver messages to diverse audiences using different communication tools, such as documentaries, infographics, statistics, radio jingles, TV broadcast and the climate change media apps.

We utilize the traditional media to explain research, government and civil society action.

We also utilize traditional rural communication methodology which still subsists as powerful influentials of behavior in many rural communities across Africa. We engage the traditional rulers to convey messages of climate change adaptation to rural settlers.

Rural settlers in Africa constitute a large chunk of those involved in agricultural activities; we believe that this segment of the society is in urgent need of climate change related intervention communication.

Community Media

People dwelling in rural areas are the most vulnerable to the impact of Climate Change. This is because they are incapable of adapting to the new way of doing things. The use of firewood for cooking aside from depleting the climate may cause health challenges.

We train communities to develop and tell their stories. This is one of our behavioral change initiatives that allows communities contribute to promoting and championing the issues of climate change in their communities

MACCI trains communities on the primary media techniques, for instance organizing and shooting short drama. We also donate mass media equipments to encourage the communities to tell their own story in their own way.

The Cost of Silence

 A Media Handbook On How Climate Change Will Distrupt Humanity: Heavily Impacting On Health, Agriculture, Livelihood, Economy And Environment Of Africa


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